Better Dating Ideas Montreal provides advice and tips on a weekly basis for the best places for a date in Montreal. Check out our weekly postings for unique and romantic dates in the city.

This week I’m dedicating Better Dating Ideas Montreal to my all time favourite and arguably one of the best Canadian summer drinks, the Caesar. There are so many different ways this unique drink can be tailored, so where are some of the best places to get hooked on this flavour-packed beverage?

Café Orange

This restaurant is known for their amazing brunches, so why not switch it up and enjoy a caesar at 11 am to compliment your eggs? This drink is served in an adorable mason jar and rimmed with Montreal Steak Spice (everyone knows the rimmer is the best part!) and a hefty amount of Frank’s Red Hot sauce.  What’s even better is that it’s priced at only $4.99!

Date: All Weekend

Lucille’s Oyster Shack

Better Dating Ideas

Looking for something absolutely over the top? This caesar is “garnished” with an oyster, clam, shrimp, and a crab leg. It’s practically a meal on it’s own, making it a must try!

Date: All Weekend


Better Dating Ideas

Tall, simple, and classic. Typhoon’s caesars are an easy sipper and oh so delicious! Enjoy this one while mingling with your friends, and flirting it up. The lounge’s atmosphere is perfect for a night

Date: All Weekend

Host Your Own Caesar Concocting Party

Better Dating Ideas

With so many other great restaurants that offer delicious caesars, why not do some experimenting from your own home? The staples you’ll need are Clamato juice, hot sauce, Worcestershire, vodka, ice, and rimmer! But it doesn’t have to stop there. Add some salt and pepper, fresh lime juice, or even horseradish for an extra kick. Feel free to get super creative when it comes to the garnishes! Olives and celery are the usual but why not add shrimp or pickled beans? Or you can try a cube of your favourite aged cheese. The possibilities really are endless! Enjoy!

Date: All Weekend


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