Better Dating Ideas Montreal provides advice and tips on a weekly basis for the best places for a date in your city. Check out our weekly postings for the unique and romantic dates in the city.

Montreal Slowdance- 90’s Edition!

Dating Ideas Montreal

Come experience why slow is beautiful and love is not ironic. The Montreal Slowdance allows you to take a step back in time to your High School dance days, just this time with better looking hair. With sweet melodies of the nineties, you can sweep your date right off her feet by busting a move! This is also a great opportunity to learn a thing or two as there is a large library of designated dancers to accompany you.

Date: January 9th, 2015 10:00pm-  3:00am

Café Olimpico 

dating ideas montreal

Take that special someone and get to know them a little better over a gourmet cup of joe! Located in the Mile End, Café Olimpico wins over many hearts with its unique ambiance and Italian inspired Java! Described as having an out of this world caffé freddo, this renowned coffee shop is a great stop during these cold Canadian winters.

Date: All weekend

Motown & Disco Inferno at Le Balcon

January’s the month of the flashback. The Balcon is transforming into a Studio 54, a return to the ‘70s and ‘80s nightlife. This disco and Motown tribute stars Jason Lee Jackson, who is known to have worked with some of the best artist and musicians in Canada and the world.  Capturing the excitement of the disco era this show becomes a must-see for all the Saturday Night Fever lovers out there.

Date: January 9th, 2015 at 8:30pm 

Café Saint Paul 

dating ideas montreal

A Bistro, Grill, Café, Fish & Chips and Burgers, OH MY! Café Saint Paul has so much to offer, ensuring to spike the taste buds of you and your date. Their Jack Daniels ribs are to die for apparently, but maybe save the rib eating option for any date other than the first.  All in all, come with a BIG appetite.

Date: All Weekend

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