Better Dating Ideas Toronto offers weekly tips for the best places for a date in your city. Check out our weekly postings for unique and romantic dates in Toronto.

Montreal Boat & Water Sports Show

Dating Ideas Montreal

The Montreal Boat and Water Sports Show is the largest event of its kind in Québec and is being held at the Place Bonaventure Exhibition Halls all weekend. Featuring more than 450 different boats, 275 exhibitors, and approximately 27,000 visitors, this event is a diving board for boating enthusiasts, to plunge head first into summer.

Date: Thursday and Friday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Montreal Pond Hockey Festival 

dating ideas montreal

This year, why not help us celebrate our national pastime and some of our most cherished childhood memories by playing hockey the way it was meant to be played, on the shores of Lac Saint-Louis within skating distance of the mighty St. Lawrence!

Dates: February 6 and 7, 2016

Pompeii – A Roman City

Featuring almost 200 archaeological artifacts – statues in bronze and marble, mosaics, frescoes, decorative arts and objects from daily life – the exhibition offers an extraordinary glimpse into the life of a once-thriving town of the Roman Empire, shedding light onto its civic and religious customs, as well as the daily life of its inhabitants, their food, sports and homes.

Dates: Runs from February 6th till September 5th

Montreal Canadiens vs. Edmonton Oilers @ The Bell Centre

dating ideas montreal

Grab some tickets and cheer on the boys as they go head to head against the Edmonton Oilers this Saturday afternoon.  Attend with friends, co-workers or that special someone, no matter who it is we know it will be a great game.  Plus afternoon games save time for evening plans, so why not make a full day of it.

Date: Saturday, February 6th, 2016 @ 2:00 p.m.

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