Picture this, I’m surrounded by a ton of family, friends and their significant others laughing hysterically and I notice I somehow always end up in the same position. This means I’m in the middle of a much anticipated catch up session on my love life and somehow my stories always end up being incredibly funny or unusually embarrassing, but always at my expense. During what seems to be story time with Anna, a very valid discussion begins on how important it is for oneself to take pride in their appearance for good self esteem. In return this creates a confident individual who gives off a positive energy that shows your date or significant other that you care. This discussion was the brainchild for this article. Before I speak any further I realize that physical appearance is only one element of making a lasting healthy relationship. However, it should never be underestimated because the day you stop caring and making an effort on how you look for yourself and your significant other, problems always seem to arise. There is something so sweet and endearing about a man who cares enough to put in that extra effort to be at his personal best. Therefore, I thought this would be a great opportunity to advise eligible men the importance of planning the appropriate outfit which suits the occasion as well as the company you keep. This should lead to a great positive first and lasting impression.

Believe me, I’m not an expert when it comes to matters of the heart nor am I going to tell you a sure way to get that special someone because I’m still working on that myself. However, I can share with you a point of view from a single fashionable gal dating in the city who has been coined as having a “man brain”.

After talking with a few of my male friends, the best and most useful way to communicate my fashion “Do’s and Don’ts” in regards to dating is if I pair each “Don’t” with an anecdote from my dating history. (I’m truly taking one for the team!)
 Once you have decided where you’re going on your date, obviously you need to dress accordingly. Please keep in mind that your appearance should reflect the setting and environment of the date.

Dating Fashion Scenario 1 – I was going on a second date with this guy and he invited me to attend a dinner party that our mutual friend was hosting. Well, of course I got all dressed up for the occasion and was excited to see what the night would bring. Little did I know I would be attending the dinner party with a guy who looked like he belonged in a 90’s rap video wearing a bright red track suit. His excuse was that he had to squeeze in a gym workout. Before he knew it, he realized he was going to be late for our date, so he decided that he would rush his sweaty self to come pick me up. Now, he thought he was a total champ for not being late, even though he looked like he was the long lost member from Run D.M.C. His thought process was, “Who cares! I know everyone at the dinner party anyway.” The shocking thing was he really liked me and this is a prime example on how it’s so important to plan your outfit and schedule ahead of time so that situations like this will never arise.

Here is an example of what would have been a better fashion alternative for a “Dinner Party” scenario.

dinner party date 2

Dating Fashion Scenario 2 – It was a fall day and my date and I were going to attend a concert which I was super excited about. My date picked me up wearing a pair of jeans, a blazer and a plunging scoop neck tee. This particular tee seemed a bit off, but I looked past it and proceeded to the venue. As the concert progressed it got increasingly warmer so he took off his blazer. To my amazement, not only was he wearing a plunging scoop neckline which showed more cleavage than I ever have. (Please note, no judgement here since I’m a gal who can appreciate a deep v-neckline.) However, this tank was not only a party in the front but as well in the back and side. I get it if you work hard on your body and you want to show it off, but there is a time and place for everything and a line you should never cross. In this case, the line was the extremely deep scoop that was showing more cleavage than me. This is an example of an outfit gone wrong by showing too much skin for the occasion. ( Come on we’re not at the beach!)

Here is an example of what would have been a better fashion alternative for a “Concert date” scenario.

concert date c

Dating Fashion Scenario 3 – I met this guy at a particular coffee shop I frequent every morning. Every time I would see him on his way to the gym, he was always dressed so cute and casual from head to toe. He finally asked me out for cocktails and I was beyond excited to tell the ladies at the office. Well, our date night arrived and I received the text he was downstairs. Of course I rushed downstairs and I stepped out of my condo lobby to see my date standing by his car. To my surprise, my once super casual and cool date that I saw every morning took on a completely different persona at night time. His once beautiful shaggy hair was slicked back and his denim jeans and top were so tight I’m sure some would argue that this outfit was meant for a small child. Being the hopeless romantic, I took a deep breath and thought well, it can only move up from here. This is a great example that you should stay true to your style. You shouldn’t go from one extreme to another just because you think this is what the ladies would like.

However, what do I know! I bumped into him one evening soon after and he was wearing “the outfit”. Maybe it worked out for him this time.

Here is an example of what would have been a better fashion alternative for a “Cocktail Date” scenario.

cocktail date 2

I hope these scenarios have helped and you have learned a little and maybe even had a few laughs.

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