Q: Hey, Ward: I was always told not to wear white after Labor Day. Yet I’ve seen white jeans around and on sale right into the winter. What’s the deal? Can I wear white pants or not in the wintertime?
men's style

A: This one just won’t go away. I’ve been telling men for years that it’s perfectly fine to wear white pants in the winter. And I’ll keep telling them: It’s perfectly fine to wear white pants in the winter. Especially white jeans. White is the color of winter. It IS winter. Why would you avoid that color because of some outdated rule about shoes? If you can wear black in the summertime (and you can), then you can wear white when it’s snowy outside.

The trick to making white in winter work so well is to pair it with a complete opposite on top. White jeans call for a black sweater. Maybe a very dark grey and an even darker scarf. If you’re going for blue, make it a very deep, dark, navy. Keep everything else about your outfit dark and those white jeans will embrace the fact that it’s winter, not deny it.

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