By: Julie Ferman
Where To Go And How To Magnetize The Right Ones.
If you’re single, and you’d much rather be in love, then let’s get you out and about to stir things up. Build in some out of the ordinary activities to put you in places where you can be found by great single men who are ready for love to take center stage AND bring your flirt with you.
1. Schedule dates with yourself. Do this daily, or at least several times each week. Go out solo, that’s right, without a girlfriend to distract you. Dine out by yourself at the sushi bar, have lunch at the bar at a busy sports bar, stop for coffee or tea at a busy Starbucks with today’s paper, a magazine, or a book that might inspire a comment from the “stranger” nearby. (One of my female matchmaking clients brings Rachel DeAlto’s book, “Flirt Fearlessly” with her to the coffee shop. She’s dating a guy who approached her to ask about the book – smart girl, as having that book on her table gave him the clear signal that she’s available)

2. Smile and Say Hello. Scan the restaurant, café, bar or coffee shop to find a spot near or next to interesting looking prospects, and make it your mission to brighten the day of each person whose eye you catch. Flirting is really just one of three things – asking a question, making a comment or offering a compliment. A really good man who’s attracted to you will always be nervous about approaching you, as he never knows if you’re single and available and he never knows if you’re open to his approach unless you signal him with warmth and playfulness.
3. Close the Deal. Anytime you have a nice connection with a guy in a social setting, let him know how to find you again. Have personal cards printed, inexpensively, sharing just your first name and your email address or cell number. In parting, say simply, “Such fun meeting you – here’s how to find me.” One of my dating coaching clients met her guy just that way, mentioning to him that she and her girlfriends plan some fun singles parties, and the guy said, “Sounds like fun, keep me in the loop!” She did, he showed up for one of the Meet Up events they planned, and these two are engaged now.
4. Attend all fun local singles events. Here’s a great one that’s happening in Southern CA in June. The Great Love Debate.
5. Get registered privately with all of the local matchmakers in your area. This way you’ll always be invited to the events they’re hosting or co-sponsoring. Many of the matchmakers provide a free, private online registration option, making you find-able when they’re searching for their clients.
There’s no shortage of really good men out there in the world. And the best men aren’t the ones who are hitting on all of the cute girls…they’re usually the ones who are a little bit anxious about approaching you, so be sure to bat those eyes and smile, giving him the green light for a fun, playful conversation. That’s where romance starts, so have lots and lots of conversations, turning “strangers” into keepers, every day of your life.
Julie Ferman is a professional matchmaker a seasoned dating coach, media personality, professional speaker, singles events producer and a consultant to the dating industry. Her mission is to dignify and streamline the love search process for selective, relationship-minded professionals throughout the U.S., Canada and worldwide. With over 1,100 marriages to her credit, she knows the love business and is eager to share her secrets.