For three decades before she retired in 2008, Johanson, a registered nurse, counselled Canadians on their sex lives, most famously with The Sunday Sex Show. During each episode, as many as 100,000 callers would try get through. Of those who did, Johanson found the following callers, and moments, particularity humorous:
- An 80-yr-old lady phoned in and asked how to perform oral sex with false teeth.
- A young boy called in, and when Randy (the producer) asked where he was calling from, he whispered, “My bedroom, upstairs”.
- We were showing a vacuum0cuction device for men with trouble maintaining erections. One part fell on the floor. The camerman, named Germaine – a big, just gorgeous black man-crawled across the floor, picked it up and on camera, you see this great big black hand come up and put the piece on the desk. Everyone thought I had Germaine down there.
- On one show, we were showing dildos. We were showing a glass one. Randy insisted I wear goggles. I stood up and I dropped the glass dildo. It shattered all over the place – which was a great advertisement for safer sex.
- We kept my sex toys in the pleasure chest. One day, it was on my desk and then smoke started coming out It turned out a battery had shorted. That was a hot toy.
- We were showing a product called Auto Jill. It would go into the light plug in your car. One of the staff took it down to test in his car in the parking lot. He got caught by security.
- One day, we were making sex toys. I made a masturbation toy out of a tin can. I hadn’t realized it, but I’d used a cat-food can with a great big pussycat on the outside.
- A girl phoned in, saying she’d performed oral sex on her boyfriend. She wanted to know whether it would affect her fertility. I told her a peanut-butter and jam sandwich does not end up in your uterus.
Source: The Maclean’s Book of Lists