They say that knowledge is power, so how much do you know about sex and you and your partner’s sexuality? Sadly, most people don’t know a lot about sex besides a few techniques, but knowing more about sex actually does make you a better lover. Besides that, sex is one of the most interesting and exciting topics out there. After all, we all spend a lot of time thinking about it, so it must be pretty fascinating. Curious to find out how much you know about sex? Check out this list of 7 strange and useful sex facts and let me know how many you already knew about in the comment section below!

1. Orgasms are a fantastic painkiller – The last thing most people want to do when they are in pain is have sex (usually), but apparently that is exactly what you SHOULD be doing! Genital stimulation and orgasms release oxytocin into the body which relieves pain in the body. For women who have menstrual cramps having an orgasm is a quick and effective way to make them go away or lessen considerably. Orgasms have also been said to relieve headaches and arthritis. Try it for yourself with whatever pain you experience and enjoy the results. Let me know what worked for you in the comments section below.
2. Uncontrollable orgasming – I bet it sounds pretty amazing to have many uncontrollable orgasms throughout your day when you first hear about it, but stop and really think about this for a moment. You’re at work in an important meeting with your boss or watching your child’s first dance recital. There are times when you just don’t want to have an orgasm! Beside having many repeated orgasms can actually become uncomfortable or even painful. The disorder is called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder or PGAD and some people that suffer from it have several orgasms per hour. Others are in a constant state of arousal, never being able to completely climax (imagine how that must feel!).
3. Men find women dressed in red more attractive – In a study where men were shown photographs of women dressed in red and other colors, the men consistently preferred the women dressed in red. They proclaimed that they were more interested in dating the woman in red than the same woman dressed in another color. Further studies by the same researchers showed that the color red was very attractive to both men and women. So, go out and buy your lady a sexy red dress and some lingerie to wear the next time you have a hot date. And you might consider incorporating some red into your wardrobe as well!
4. Men prefer curves – Whether they are aware of it or not, a study from the University of Texas showed that men prefered fuller thighs and curvy bodies, as opposed to model-thin bodies. This might be because curvier women have bodies that are better prepared to bear children – or because they are just damn sexy!
5. And the award for horniest country goes to…. Greece! According to a survey done by AskMen, Greece is the horniest country in the world. The results are based on the amount of times the country’s residents have sex per week. Brazil found itself in second place and Russia in third.

6. For women, orgasms get better with age – It makes sense if you think about it. The older a woman gets, the more experience she has and the better she knows her body, therefore her sexual experiences are bound to be better. Women also reach their sexual peak in their 30s, reporting more powerful orgasms and a higher libido. But even senior citizens have reported that they are having the best sex of their lives in their 70s. Why could this be? There are many possible reasons, but one of these possibilities is that couples in their 70s are less goal oriented (orgasm focused) and more pleasure oriented and they are also more creative with the ways they are intimate.
7. Sperm can live for up to 5 days inside a woman’s body – Most men don’t know much about how the reproduction system works and they might think that they are out of the woods if they just avoid a woman’s ovulation period, but sperm can actually live for up to 5 days in a woman’s body. So, make sure to take all necessary precautions unless you’re interested in having a baby soon!
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By Gabrielle Moore
Gabrielle Moore helps couples around the world improve their sex lives. She communicates daily with her more than 300,000 subscribers. Gabrielle is the author of several best-selling books, such as “The Female Orgasm Revealed“, “Turn Her On Faster“, “Hot Licks“, and many others.
This article was very random and didn’t really flow well.