Even today in 2014 many people are misinformed about many aspects of love and sex, which to conflict, emotional distress and dissatisfaction. Being well informed to understand facts sex is not only necessary but vital to have a great sex life. Sex is what you do and sexuality is the of what you are which involves your, fantasies, desires and actions. Therefore, knowing about sex and exploring your sexuality without shame will bring you happiness and fulfillment.
Information plays a preventive role increasing the likelihood of sexual satisfaction in an enjoyable and secure way. Here are 6 sex truths that can improve the quality of your sex life:
1. Great sex it is NOT something natural that comes spontaneously; it is something that is learned, practiced and continuously improved. Sexual chemistry attracts people in amazing ways, but that attraction has to be maintained through time with daily effort. Seduction, eroticism, desire as well as good communication are keys to great sex, as it is the willingness to open up and learn from each other. You can have sex, but you can’t have great sex if you don’t work in improving it through knowledge and practice.
2. Men and women have the same sexual needs and both experience fluctuations in sexual desire, which goes up and down. It is a false belief that men are ready for sex 24/7 days a week contrary to women sometime/once a month. Men as well as women are affected by emotional, physical and environmental factors that lower their desire, including cultural stigmas that prevent them from sexual pleasure. Yes, men have higher level of testosterone so they can be ready for sex in a faster way than women, but it doesn’t mean that women do not like sex or that men just live for it.
3. Sexuality is important at any age, from birth to death. Sex is an important aspect of physical health and emotional well-being for people of all ages, even those in their golden years. While some people believe that the decrease of sexual desire is a natural part of aging, the fact is that this problem is due to hormonal deficiencies, emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety, side effects of medication, changes or loss, rather than nature or age. If you keep yourself healthy and active, you should enjoy a pleasant sex life your whole life.

4. Penis size has nothing to do with satisfaction. Surveys reveal that circumference, not length, may be the biggest factor in female pleasure. Studies have shown that over 75% of women achieve orgasm through oral sex or masturbation rather than intercourse. Furthermore, much more important are the love’s size, the quality of the relationship, your way of touching and kissing than the penis’ size. When a couple has good sex, they are building trust and intimacy. The act of sex may dispel doubts and spikes oxytocin, a hormone responsible for happiness and love. Oxytocin then builds trust and brings couples closer, which has nothing to do with penis’ size.
5. Rapid ejaculation (RE) is a real problem that has a real solution when treated by a specialist which requires training rather than treatment. It can affect any man at any age, not just young men, so men of all ages can experience RE, affecting the partner and the relationship as well. Rapid ejaculation occurs in 30% of men at some point in their lives. The point is to understand the fact that RE can happen at any time having negative consequences, not because of the ejaculatory frequency per se, but for the lack of control. Regular ejaculations reduces the chances of developing prostate cancer. In an Australian study men who ejaculated 21 times a month were least likely to develop cancer. It is further supported by other researches that sexual intercourse reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Furthermore, most of the fluid a man ejaculates is secreted by the prostate gland. If he stops ejaculating, the fluid stays in the gland, which tends to swell, causing lots of problems. Regular ejaculation will wash those fluids out and ensure the well-being of the prostate until old age. So, it is very healthy to have frequent sex which does not mean ejaculations without control (RE).
6. Sex prevents Erectile Dysfunction. Contrary to the belief that if a man has too much sex his penis may weaken and can eventually fall is the fact that sex is good for a healthy penis. About 50% of men older than 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction and all young men fear the moment when they won’t be able to get it up any more. The best thing to do to avoid this inconvenience is sex. An erection keeps the blood flowing through the penile arteries, so the tissue stays healthy. So, as any training program, the more you practice the more capable you will be for pleasurable sex.
Dr Heinz,
Soy graduado de Ingeniero Agronomia de la Universidad de la Habana, tengo 72 años, he estudiado Nutricion y Metabolismo, leo mucho y trato de documentarme sobre el tema de la sexualidad, por razones que usted conoce bien, nivel hormonal es bajo y cuando leo sobre la suplementación hormonal percibo que es un tema controversial, me gustaría oir su opinion y experiencia sobre este tema ya que a veces lo que se divulga sobre determinado producto es marketing para vender y no la incidencia en la salud.
Le dejo mi correo esperando me sorprenda un dia con su sabio consejo.