Although the weather into Toronto has yet to reach a comfortable temperature for patio season the summer season is fast approaching. Chilling on a patio or getting together for a backyard BBQ are some favorite summer pastimes.

Even with the best of intentions it’s easy to pack on the pounds. The daytime bike rides, long walks or 18 holes of golf does not lessen the overload of calories you can easily consume during one patio dinner and cocktail session.


Instead doing the same old, same old this summer follow the 3 tips below to keep your svelte figure in check so you can rock those sexy summer clothes.

Summer Fat Loss Tip #1 Get Enough Protein

Whether you want to lose weight, maintain your weight or avoid being bloated all the time it’s best to include a portion of lean protein at every meal and afternoon snack.

Here are some examples of protein portions:

4 – 6 oz. meat (chicken, turkey, beef, bison, veal etc). This portion is about the size and thickness of your entire palm.

2 – 3 whole eggs

1 cup of 2% Greek Yogurt (plain)

1 cup of 2% Cottage Cheese

1 scoop whey protein powder

1 oz. low fat cheese

2-3 tbsp of hemp seeds

½ cup of beans or lentils

Summer Fat Loss Tip # 2 Have A Drink

The hormones in our guts that tell us we’re hungry are very similar to the hormones that let us know when we’re thirsty, so sometimes our bodies get confused, thinking we’re hungry when we’re actually thirsty and having a drink will often quell the craving.


Now I don’t mean an alcoholic drink. You do plenty of that in evenings sitting on the patio. Make sure you have enough water during the day, especially on those really hot days.

If you have trouble getting 8 – 10 glasses of water in per day try some of these handy tips.

1. Drink through a straw.

2. Brew herbal tea and turn it into ice tea

3. Mix 1 ounce of fruit juice with Perrier or San Pellegrino and add ice

4. Add berries or other fruit to your water to flavor it

Summer Fat Loss Tip # 3 Snack Before Dinner

Yes, snacking before dinner will ruin our appetites. That’s a good thing. When we feel hungry, it’s because our empty bellies are secreting the hormone ghrelin. This hunger hormone sends out a message that basically says “Hey! Feed Me!” Ghrelin levels continue rising until you’ve eaten. And then they drop back down to normal and you no longer feel like eating.

By having a small snack 20 to 30 minutes before you sit down to dinner helps to lower ghrelin levels so you don’t fee like eating as much. All of this adds up to making better menu choices, controlling portions and saying no thanks to dessert.

The best weight loss before dinner snacks:

1 whole egg

1-2 light baby bell cheeses

½ cup plain Greek yogurt

10 – 15 raw nuts

2 tsp of natural peanut butter

Trying to lose weight this summer and still enjoy patio time can be done. Implement some of these weight loss tips into your daily routine so you can feel confident and comfortable in your sexy summer clothes.

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