Has someone said to you that they wish you the best year ever? The hell with that! This year let’s try a different approach. No more wishing. No more counting on the stars. No more relying on horoscopes. No more resolutions. This year let’s chip a finger nail, let’s dive for loose balls – let’s get sweaty. This is the year we make shit happen.


I know people were being nice with their well wishes. But we’re not wishing anymore. We’re willing. We’re willing it to happen. To do so, it’s going to take consistency. It’s going to take stamina. It’s going to take tenacity. We’re going to have to strike first on offence – and bend our knees on defense. What I mean by that is we’re going to have to take risks and try new things as we reach for higher heights, and we’re going to have to learn from our mistakes to avoid slipping from where we’re at, for the lessons of failure are priceless. Here’s how it’s done:

• Keep your faith. Stronger than ever.

• Have a desired end result. Believe you will get there. No matter what.

• With determination, drive and discipline, go after your goal. Aggressively. If it’s just 1 goal or many, this is the year to take a good crack at it.

• When you fall, and you will fall once or twice, pick yourself up. Wipe your tears. (It’s okay to cry). But toughen up, get back on the saddle because you’re not done yet. You will get to the finish line. Believe. Keep going.

• With persistence, and through adversity, you will hit your desired end result. Take a moment with gratitude, silently or publicly, celebrate your achievement.

• But you’re not done there. Tell your story; teach someone how to go about doing the same for themselves. Inspire.

• Now, do it again.


This is not simply wishing things go well. This is all about getting dirty, staying hungry, and willing it to happen. This is what living with Love Energy is all about. It’s taking yourself to the edge so that you live your best life possible, while empowering others. You will end up inspiring others simply by just completing your own targets. Imagine the tremendous inspiration they will receive when you tell your story.

Now, I’m listening. I’m sure along your journey you might have gotten banged up. You probably had to jump a little higher, run a little faster, and almost lost your breath. And I’m sure you scored a sweet goal while you were at it. It’s your go, tell me your story?

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