As a dating expert I’m often helping people to attract love from someone else but most things, including attracting a partner, are easier when they derive from a base of self-love. Whether you are single, in a relationship or married, most of us need to learn to treat ourselves the way that we want to be treated. Some people are not even aware that they have a relationship with themselves.
Once we recognize this we can remember to take steps to love ourselves on a regular basis and to do little things to brighten our own day. In therapy, one of the things I help people to do is to improve their relationship with themselves and this means recognizing that you can meet your own needs and even spoil yourself a little because ultimately, you are responsible for your life satisfaction and happiness. Sometimes we make excuses that we’re too busy to make the effort or we say that we don’t have the money, but here are 10 things under $10 that you can do, most of which are under 30 minutes.

1. Change Your Polish– Getting a mani-pedi is only $25 in my neighborhood but I recently learned that if you just want to have them file your nails and change the polish color it is $5 or $6 with tip. You can paint your nails blue one week to match the ocean and black the next week to celebrate the full moon.
2. Paraffin Foot Treatment and Massage Chair Many nail salons will give you a paraffin foot treatment in a massage chair for $10. It is relaxing and smooths your soles.

3. Flowers– While it’s nice to get flowers, it may be even better to pick out your own, when you most want them. You can usually get a bunch of roses, lilacs, tulips or sunflowers at a deli that smell great for just $10.
4. A 10-Minute Massage– While full body massages are usually $70, you can get a chair massage focused on your shoulders and back area for $10 in many salons for a quick stress relief.
5. A Matinee Date with Yourself– Sneak away to see an early movie all alone. This is very relaxing and an early movie is usually just $8.

6. A Beach Picnic with Reading Time– Now that the weather is nice you may be able to jump on a train for $5 round trip and head to the beach. In our area, a 40-minute subway will take you to 2-3 beaches. You can bring some French bread, cheese and a basket for another $5.
7. Get some Bubble Tea– I am a fan of bubble tea as a treat. I like taro bubble tea, coconut or chocolate flavored. But you can buy yourself that, your favorite dessert or some herbal tea for under $10.
8. Buy Yourself a Beautiful Candle– Today there are candles with messages, intentions, essential oils or scents. Buy yourself a special candle in a color that matches the intention you have for yourself or your life.

9. Take a Daily Sacred Bath– Something I do to connect with my higher self on a daily basis is to take a sacred bath. This is time to center myself, relax, meditate, pray, visualize my dreams and more. To learn more about this practice, get a copy of my book, The Book of Sacred Baths, published by Llewellyn Worldwide and available on Amazon.
10. Take a Bike Ride with your Favorite Playlist– This one is pretty much free but what a nice way to exercise and spend some time with yourself. You can also rollerblade or just take a walk somewhere beautiful.
There are so many little things that you can do to enjoy your day and life. These were just a few easy things I’ve thought of or tried. What are yours? Please share.