Another year has almost come and gone and 2017 is right around the corner. But before you get your new year’s resolution ready, try and finish 2016 on the right foot. If you check these 10 thing off your to-do list, you will definitely feel rejuvenated and ready to conquer the New Year.
Do an early spring cleaning

Who says cleaning out your house is a once-a-year job? Get rid of any old or unused items in your household, donate the clothes you never wear and do those chores you have been meaning to get to. It will truly feel like a fresh start without all that extra baggage laying around.
Start a savings account

If you don’t have one already, it would be a great idea to set your bank account to help you save money in the New Year. Set up your account and have $50, $75 or whatever number you’re comfortable with taken from your paycheck and put into a savings account. You’ll be surprised how much the money will add up when you don’t touch it and plus, your future self will thank you.
Get up and move

Don’t wait until the New Year to start exercising and being healthy! Finish the year strong and continue it into 2017. It takes 21 days for something to become a habit, so start now and you’ll already be killing the fitness game on in January.
Rescue an Animal

There are too many animals in shelters waiting to be rescued, so not only will you be getting a new friend, but you’ll be giving them a whole new life. Fresh start for you and your pet!
Have a social media break
The internet is no longer something we only use for Google, but it’s a way of life. That being said, it is so easy to get washed up in social media and constantly have our heads pointed down at our phones. For a week, or even just one day, turn off your Wi-Fi and try to avoid social media. You’ll be surprised at how much you will enjoy stepping away from cyberspace for a bit.
Cut off the negativity

Take a good look at the past 12 months- what has made you sad, frustrated or anxious? Whether it was a person, job or anything else, try and let go of that negativity. Don’t look at it as an ending, but a new beginning that will ultimately make you feel happier. One more thing to remember is to never feel guilty for putting your mental well-being first.
Remember the positive

Just like the negatives, look back at the good feelings and experiences you endured this year. Make a conscious effort to remember what gave you positive vibes and try to keep them in 2017.
Learn how to cook a new meal

If you already think you’re a top chef, challenge yourself and learn something new to take your culinary skills to the next level. If your comfort zone mostly revolves around cereal and ramen noodles, teaching yourself a new and simple meal will definitely benefit you in the New Year and maybe even inspire you to learn more. There are thousands of recipes online and cook books to buy, so start up your skillets and get to it!
Do something that scares you

The longer you run from your fears, the less likely you are to someday overcome it. Conquer your fear, whatever it may be, and get ready to feel like you can accomplish anything when 2017 finally rolls around.
Become a tourist in your own neighbourhood

Rediscover your city with a whole new lens by visiting places you normally wouldn’t think to visit. Whether it be a new coffee shop, book store or somewhere else you find interesting, discover it and find a new reason to love where you live. You’ll be surprised at what you’re missing out on that is just around the corner when you go out and look. Not only that, but travelling within your own city costs a lot less than a trip around the world.