Social media has made travel much easier in terms of connecting with others across various platforms. With a tap and a swipe you can download apps currency conversion, offline maps travel guides. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest have boomed with curated travel blogging, photography and advice.
With these new trends for travel there’s also been a bigger trend among millennials for solo travel—especially females. As a solo traveler myself I could write a book with travel do’s and don’ts. Surely, I am not the only one. So I decided to reach out to fellow female travel bloggers and find out their best and worst travel advice they’ve received through their own travels and here they are…

“You’ll never be prepared more than you are now. There’s no right way and there’s no wrong way to do this trip. Just go!” – Michelle Stevens @mich906
“The best advice I have ever been given was that travel alone won’t make you happy. Some travelers go on trips with the intent of finding themselves; like somehow going to a different country for a few months will relieve them of their inner problems and make them completely happy. When the truth is that travel may give you clarity, but not true happiness. You can’t be truly happy until you stop looking for the “next” thing–the next country, next mountain, next thing on your list. When you choose to appreciate the moment that you’re in and stop worrying about the past or future, you’ll truly be happy!” – Gabby Beckford @packslight

“The worst travel advice I have ever received was not to talk to strangers (given by my grandma, who obviously thinks I’m still 12 years old). Funny she should say that when in fact I travel solo, so talking to strangers is pretty much my daily business.” – Eva Bosh @EvaBosh
“Best travel advice: Say yes to new experiences! If someone invites you to explore a new place or meet their friends or family, say yes! Sometimes it’s the unplanned activities that can turn into the best memories.” – Cynthia Lee @efaadventure

“Best travel advice: If travel is important to you, make it a priority regardless of what people say or think. Worst travel advice: Don’t travel alone if you’re a woman. It’s actually my preferred mode of travel.” – Ines Bellina @xxwilltravel
“Best piece of travel advice: Travel on your own if you can; you will be more open to spontaneous adventures! Worst advice: Go into debt to travel.” – Hannah Madigan @theplantbasedjetsetter
“Best advice: Eat like a local—when you’re in a foreign country, avoid places with English menus or promoters out front. Ask a hotel clerk or someone else working in the destination for their favorite restaurant!” – Alyssa Acree @AlyssaAcree

“Disconnect yourself from social media and technology at times. Soak the sun or listen to the rain, enjoy the breeze, breath deeply, look at the panorama, enjoy a good conversation with a local, you might never be standing on the same place, nor living the same moment again. Worst travel advice: You should only stay at the resort because if not something will happen to you.” – Olga Maria @Dreamsinheels
Excellent post and perfect length. Couldn’t agree more with most points! Great job Caren!
Thank you heather !!