Let’s start with the defrost button ladies. According to the straight males I polled on my recent query, this was the response I got when asked about women in this city.
‘They are so hard to talk to….these days women are impossible to approach. We all know we are here for the same reason, yet you all act shocked and repulsed that I even said ‘hello’!’

So this gets me thinking about girls’ nights, wine and cheese gatherings and yoga dates. Are we all ice queens with no sense of self? Trying for one thing but telling another story via body language and demeanor upon approach? Then again, I have to add in our defense ladies; the same is often true the other way around…but more on that topic later.
It is usually after a hot bath, mud mask facial and full body exfoliation session that I begin to think the three hour long ‘me time’ in the tub was epic. Now if I just had a hot body waiting for me under the comfy throw blanket on the couch, ready with remote, a movie and some air popped kettle corn, my life would be pretty perfect.
Yet, and here’s the part I feel we have somehow missed and not acknowledged….we are longing for this slice of heaven, actually going out and trying to be social, yet vibing for hell on earth. A frozen field of ice, sharpness and cold…bone chilling cold. We are not even viewed as able to talk to, chit chat with or heaven forbid….pull up a chair and shoot the shit with. Nope, nada, just stone cold glares of why, how, when? Why did you think I wanted to be interrupted, how did you get my number, when were you going to text me back?
Men are feeling this and wondering why it is that here in Toronto we behave this way. Apparently even in a city like Ottawa, yes Ottawa (which I may add is the coldest Capital city – go figure) woman are approachable and even appreciate the effort and reward it by saying more than a bitter and despondent ‘ hi.’ So ladies, lets work on dropping the attitude and opening up to the possibility and actual fun that can come with communicating with the opposite sex. I especially think we should make it a priority to do so when we have gone to all of the effort, hairspray, skinny jeans, eyelash extensions and Coco Chanel to be standing here, hoping to meet Mr. Perfect.
Simple start, simple act, simple way to get the results you truly desire.
I think the men in Toronto are cold with the bad attitude!
You should see Vancouver women, it’s even worse. Here I can talk to pretty much any woman.