I am very fortunate to be part of the TLC (Transformational Leadership Council). It’s a group that was created by Jack Canfield with the idea of bringing together transformational leaders. We meet twice a year and exchange stories, ideas and experiences with each other so that we can return home with our batteries charged up and ready to help more people. This past meeting was in Whistler, BC and as usual, I came back inspired!

One of the emcees of the event was Lisa Garr . She asked us to remember when we decided to commit to doing the work that we are now doing and “what the defining moment was that ignited our drive and passion to face all kinds of challenges, so that we could do what we do for a living?”
I was privileged enough to be guiding the group through a meditation and got to speak of the moment when I decided that I wanted to help as many people as possible live at their full potential. For me it was in 1989. I was sitting in a group with Dr John Demartini when I had the most profound spiritual experience of gratitude for my life: I got to know at the deepest level, that I was part of a matrix of love and that everything that had happened and would happen to me was a perfect dance of perfectly aligned events and people colliding together to provide the support and challenge I needed to unfold my highest spiritual human potential. Within a few hours, I transformed the illusion that my life was unfair and a tragedy into deep gratitude for everything that had lived through. That’s the moment I decided to commit to helping millions of people to reconnect with their heart so they could have a similar experience. This is the reason I founded the Center For Heart Living, so that I could bring under one roof a team of dedicated people who would facilitate this daunting mission.
I realized as well that in the last year I had been moving more mechanically about it, that I had been using my head more instead of my heart. Right away I started to feel more passion when I reconnected with that pivotal point in my life: I recommitted to my heart’s passion and it is bringing me more gratitude as I am able to do what I love.
So, I am going to ask you the question: When was it and where were you when you decided to commit to what means most to you right now? What made you decide to get married, create a family, go back to school or start your own business? Remember that moment and describe it. Feel it and recommit to it so you can experience the gratitude that comes from feeling fulfilled.
Love & Light,
Dr. Lise