There are dozens if not hundreds of exercises that can assist you in developing larger and more defined arms. The important thing to understand is that you must master the basic exercises well before you begin any of the advanced ones. I will provide a short and concise list of the exercises but before doing so it’s important for you to understand that there are three distinct portions of your arm that should be addressed when it comes to arm training. There are the forearms (between the wrist and elbow), the biceps (elbow to shoulder front side) and the triceps (elbow to shoulder back side). In most cases it is rare an individual will exercise the forearms directly, so for the sake of discussing a good training regimen we’ll focus on the biceps today and in a future article discuss triceps.

Part 1- Biceps

Part 2 – Triceps

When it comes to triceps training there are three exercises a gym goer must master. The list includes #1 overhead triceps extension, #2 bench dips, and of course #3 triceps push-downs. All three of these exercises are the basis of any good triceps development program. Most importantly these exercises require minimal equipment which also means they can be performed almost anywhere and do not necessarily require you to visit a gym. Performing these three exercises will increase the size of your triceps as well as the definition and assist in minimizing flabby arms.

Before you begin performing set after set of triceps exercises it is important to understand that correct form is essential when it comes to triceps training. Here are a few general tips that will ensure you’re moving in the right direction while performing your exercise:

  1. Ensure you keep a neutral wrist (a neutral wrist basically means you do not bend your wrist outwards or inwards while you are performing exercises).  There is a naturally tendency by most to roll their wrists inward when finishing each repetition, so be sure to resist the urge and stay as straight as possible
  2. Always keep your elbows in a fixed position while performing exercises. The only part of your arm in motion during the exercise should be your forearms and hands. This will ensure your triceps are properly getting exercised and other auxiliary muscles are not being involved such as your abdominals or chest.

So there you have it, you now know all the best and most effective exercises for taking your triceps development to the next level. Perform these three triceps exercises on a regular basis and all areas of your triceps will drastically improve. Here is a quick chart that summarizes the exercises as well as the number of repetitions to perform on each:

Triceps Training


Total number of sets

Repetitions per set

Overhead Triceps Extensions



Bench Dips



Triceps pushdowns




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