I recently had a conversation with a woman who had not been with another man other than her ex-husband for twenty-seven years. Married at eighteen, she had now been divorced for three years. She confessed to me that she hadn’t been on a single date the entire time. Her concern was that times had changed in the dating world and she wouldn’t even know where to begin. She was afraid of men’s expectations and an unknown dating protocol.

It immobilized her.

The fact is that getting back into dating after close to thirty years wouldn’t exactly be like getting back in the proverbial saddle again.

I explained the new dating world and what I thought had changed in thirty years.

Now she was terrified.

My friend, as do we all, has two options: stay at home and accept a life potentially without a partner or, get back in the dating saddle again and make the best of it.

This time of year is all about new directions and resolutions. Wanting to change ones relationship status from still “single” to “in a relationship” is a common motivation in January and February.

Online dating sites report record enrollment and activity in these months including the Eligible Inc and Eligible Social Club websites that note a 300% increase in web visits!

Reinvigorated with a fresh years perspective, many of us venture out there again with renewed optimism and butterfly-filled expectations.

Singles events, lounges, dance clubs, speed dating, online dating and even dating agents are all tools to reacquaint ourselves with the salacious singles world.

We’re back in the dating saddle again!

Now each date unveils exciting discoveries about our latest candidate.

Turn-ons and turn-offs make their way to our mind’s personal ledger as men consider their interest in asking for the next date and women meticulously assess the men for future suitability.

Anticipations of surprise text messages, follow up emails and additional encounters are all worth while trade offs for the sometimes-awkward process of slowly becoming familiar with a complete stranger.

These are the roller coaster thrills of getting back in the dating saddle again. Ups and downs, heart beats and heartbreaks and who knows, maybe this one will actually turn out to be “the one”!

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