Here it is. The hustle and bustle. The glitter and gold. The most wonderful time of the year. With the heavy build up of its imminent approach, it is no wonder that the holiday season reflects a time of stress rather than its suggested joy. While we ourselves are far from our days of the nail biting anticipation of Santa and his sleigh, setting out milk, cookies and of course fuel for those beloved reindeer, Christmas in adult life can be downright tough. Draining even.  Aside from our depleting supply of vitamin D, in the winter months it takes a little bit of an extra kick to keep ourselves afloat. From Christmas lists, parties and functions, to gift wrapping and holiday dinners we forget the centre of it all. You. Now, I do not mean this in a selfish way. I know this season is about giving and there’s nothing more I love than doing just that- believe me. But life is about balance! We need a little loving this and every holiday season. How you ask? Here are some of my personal favourites.

  1. Keep it moving! With all the shopping and elbow to elbow traffic the whole process of the holiday season can be exhausting. We are constantly sifting ourselves through crowds and brushing up against the most difficult energies. Despite this, it is so important to stick to our active lifestyles. If you are a gym goer, try to keep at least two visits a week. You could also view this time to drop into that Sexy Fitness class you’ve always wanted to take, do something completely new or partake in the company of your friends to help keep the motivation. This will boost your endorphins thus resulting in those Scrooge types to be easier to deal with. Also, let’s face it. There is no diet in holiday. So this will take the pressure off of those guilty indulgences.
  2. I am not one for winter. I never have been and I probably never will. But, believe it or not this is my favourite on the list. Do something wintery! It is much easier to cope with the cold and snow if you submerse and involve yourself in it. Accept that your sundress has turned into a down filled jacket and boots you wish were thigh high. If your style is extreme, hit those black diamond slopes! For those more like myself, try something like going for a nice skate at Nathan Philips Square with your honey. You could even revisit your childhood and break out the toboggan. Whatever it is, I guarantee you won’t feel the chill!
  3. This next point is not a justification for personal spending but rather a must. It doesn’t come for a place of selfishness but appreciation. I don’t necessarily mean lavish yourself in diamonds, but if that’s in your realm go for it. I is for Indulge! Treat yourself. Have your favourite seasonal drink or treat once a week. It’s ok if you buy that accessory or heels you’ve been eyeing.  This time only comes once a year and while you’re worrying about everyone else make a point to reward yourself with something.
  4. This is the most organic on my list. The hardest to do but we must take moments for ourselves. Forget the spending and rushing. Take the time to mentally centre yourself on yourself. If that means taking 5 extra minutes in the shower or treating yourself to a gingerbread scented bubble bath-do it! We all need moments to decompress.  I think we can all agree that it is hard enough to do that in our regular day to day lives let alone with the pressure of the season. Take this time to reflect, decompress and plan for what is to come. Your mental health is your central health. Make a point to keep it sharp!
  5. The holiday season is about togetherness. We often translate this togetherness in to big work functions and parties. It is also a time to reconnect with those who we don’t regularly see. This is fine and encouraged however; don’t compromise your time with the nearest and dearest because of outings you “think” you should attend. We have all year for this. Love your surrounding company! There’s nothing more important than spending the holiday season with the ones you love. Why not even make more time for it? This also will help you cope with the busyness of the season. Take the time to be yourself with the ones you love the most. Create memories with those who matter. To me, that is the true essence of the holiday season.

At the end of the day I wish you all to have a safe and happy holiday season. Apply, share and modify. Be inspired to create your own moments of tradition whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah or nothing at all. There is nothing better than the happiest you. Happy Holidays!

By: Ashley Brodeur; DivaGirl Entertainment Intern


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